M'lis Relief, Muscle and Joint Aid is a natural treatment for arthritis, stiffness, swollen joints, and muscular aches and pains. M’lis RELIEF help to rebuild and strengthen body tissue, increase joint lubrication, and reduce inflammation around the joints to assist in body healing.
Benefits of Mlis Relief, muscle & joint aid:
- Assists body healing by cleansing accumulated toxins and wastes
- Strengthening all vital organs by helping glands to revitalize themselves, re-establishing chemical balance in the tissues, rebuilding and strengthening general health of the body
Concentrated Formula Contains:
- Alfalfa- Used in the recovery of acute ailments and in rebuilding energy, used to treat toxicity of
blood, arthritis and cancer - Yucca- Helps in the reduction of swelling
- Burdock Root and Seed- A valuable purifier, used for the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago, promotes kidney function
- Black Cohosh- Useful in rheumatism, equalizing circulation, calms nervous tension in the muscles,
helps relieve pain - Comfrey Root- Used for swellings and sprains, will greatly reduce swelling and remove pain, used in
treating toxicity of blood for arthritis
Suggested Use: 2-3 capsules three times daily
Helpful Hint: This is an ideal product for athletes to use in conjunction with Glucosamine
Shelf Life: 7 years