Barbara Ann Brennan's bestselling first book, Hands of Light, established her as one of the world's most gifted healers and teachers. Now, she continues her ground-breaking exploration of the human energy field, or aura -- the source of our experience of health or illness. Drawing on many new developments in her teaching and practice, she shows how we can be empowered as both patients and healers to understand and work with our most fundamental healing power: the light that emerges from the very center of our humanity.
In a unique approach that encourages a cooperative effort among healer, patient, and other health-care providers, Light Emerging explains what the healer perceives visually, audibly, and kinesthetically and how each of us can participate in every stage of the healing process.
Presenting a fascinating range of research, from a paradigm of healing based on the science of holography to insights into the "hara level" and the "core star," Light Emerging is at the leading edge of healing practice in our time.
Research physicist and founder of her own school, Brennan is a leading New Age healer. She provides here a useful introduction to the scientific background behind her laying-on-of-hands technique. Brennan offers an explanation of her healing perspective and its use in conjunction with medical therapy, the stages and importance of self-care, and healing relationships through auric field interaction and higher spiritual realities. She encourages taking personal responsibility for one's health through a holistic approach and consultation with nontraditional specialists as well as a physician. This self-help book may become a New Age classic. Highly recommended.
Brennan instructs on how to work with the "human energy field," which involves the seven chakras and the aura, to cure various physical and emotional problems. Readers searching for ways of healing that go beyond the orthodox will be best able to use this book and because Brennan's discussion is long and involved, at once fascinating and confusing, it may well attract the most devoted anyway. Despite a nod from Bernie Siegel, and evidence throughout that Brennan's methods can be effective, discussions of how people "grow cords" that obstruct relationships or why you should soak used jewelry in saltwater to destroy negative energy are sure to have skeptics shaking their heads. Brennan is not only a therapist and healer, but also a former research scientist for NASA, which would seem to lend her credibility.
Barbara Ann Brennan is a healer, therapist, and scientist who has devoted more than 20 years of research and exploration to the human energy field. Following an advanced degree in atmospheric physics from the University of Wisconsin, she worked as a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. She trained in bioenergetic and core energetic therapy at the Institute for Psychophysical Synthesis and at the Community of the Whole Person in Washington, DC. She was in the first graduating class of Dr. John Pierrakos's Institute for the New Age, now known as the Institute of Core Energetics in New York City. Brennan is the author of Hands of Light, Light Emerging, and